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Focus on your work like a boss

Brian Tracy is a motivational speaker and business coach who teaches people how to be successful.

He’s also helped over a thousand companies around the world to raise their profit margins, increase productivity and blaze past the competition.

And this is one of his most sacred rules: Work all the time you work. This is such a simple and elegant principle of success that people take for granted.

If they truly understood the importance of focusing on their work, it would create a PROFOUND effect on their lives.

Cal Newport, author of “Deep Work”, sums it up quite nicely:

“The key to developing a deep work habit is to move beyond good intentions and add routines and rituals to your working life designed to minimize the amount of your limited willpower necessary to transition into and maintain a state of unbroken concentration.”

And his claims are backed up by science. According to him, building a habit (such as focusing on work) builds stronger connections in your mind.

The neurons in your brain act as a circuit, and as you do something repeatedly…

…that same circuit in your head fires again and again…

…and it strengthens that particular connection in the process.


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