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Get enough sleep, wake up early

Like breakfast, having a decent amount of shut-eye is essential. The National Sleep Foundation says adults need anywhere between 6-9 hours to recharge at night.

Skipping on this one also poses a bunch of health risks, like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity…

...not to mention lowered cognitive abilities, bad memory and shortened life expectancy.

Here are a few tips for better sleep:

NO laptops or mobile devices in bed. Their screen emits blue light which tell your brain to stay awake instead of following your natural circadian rhythm.

Stick to a consistent bedtime. Decide what time you want to get up, and work your way back to find out what time you should be in bed.

Make your room conducive for sleep. Draw the curtains, keep the temperature between 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit, and make sure your mattress and pillows support your neck and back.

It’s in your best interest to get this squared away so you can keep being awesome at what you do.

Remember, success isn’t an accident. It’s a deliberate set of choices that you make every day. Habits aren’t always hip, cool or easy. Sometimes, those decisions aren’t any fun, either.

Muhammad Ali said that he hated every minute of his training, but the results speak for themselves. So when it comes to being successful, these morning rituals will be your best friends.

Speaking of success, there is one quality I’ve discovered which can help you naturally attract the things most of us only dream about.

A lot of folks struggle to find happiness, create wealth and have fulfilling relationships.

But as it turns out, anyone can develop a specific trait that allows them to have all of this without wasting years of their life chasing it.

It comes down to three simple steps, which you can learn about in this free presentation: discover the little-known psychological secret to manifest wealth, success and happiness – CLICK HERE

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