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Be willing to put in the work

Right now you might be thinking, “Yeah, I already knew that.”

But here’s the rub: knowing and DOING are not the same thing.

People say all the time that they want to have a successful life, make a ton of cash and live in a big house.

Wishful thinking doesn’t cut it. You can want all those things till the moon turns blue, but they won’t happen unless you consciously decide to COMMIT to your goals.

Most of the time, people don’t get past this stage because they don’t have the slightest clue on how to go about it!

You need to first visualize your goals in the most vivid way possible. Then put it down in writing.

Think about what you want to achieve as far as the big picture is concerned.

Do some reflection on the kind of life you want to live and the kind of value you want to create in this world.

Anchoring your mission on these basic things will give you the drive to succeed.

After you’ve spent time mapping out your mission in life, you’ll be able to break it down into smaller, doable goals you can work on every day.

Piece by piece, you’ll put that puzzle together.

But it won’t become a reality unless you commit to the DAILY HABIT of putting those pieces into place.

You’ll have days when you won’t feel like doing it. Challenges will come along that will knock the wind out of you, leaving you demoralized.

You might even want to quit at one point.

That’s ok. It’s perfectly human to feel like that from time to time.

But if you remind yourself of the reasons WHY you’re doing it in the first place…

…you can make the conscious decision to get through those negative emotions.

Feelings are temporary, resolve is forever.

This is why people who practice these habits seem to have this supernatural ability to attract tons of success without breaking a sweat.

But the truth is there’s nothing magical about it. Aside from their habits, they’ve got something else up their sleeve.

I’ve met a lot of other successful people over the years, and they come from all walks of life.

Whether they’re athletes, entrepreneurs, YouTubers, bloggers, musicians…

…or just about anyone who’s made their mark…

…they ALL have this ONE, overriding psychological trait that makes them successful.

Looking from the outside in, it’s like they’ve got a built-in magnet that attracts incredible opportunities into their lives.

But underneath the hype, it really boils down to a trait that psychologists call “Personal Magnetism”.

And all it takes are three simple keys to unlock this inner power.


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